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New Jersey & The Tri State Area’s Award Winning Interior Design Firm

From Concept to Completion: Full-Service Design with Michael Felice Interiors

Michael Felice Interiors, located in Wyckoff, NJ, and serving the Tri-State area, is a luxury interior design firm specializing in full-service renovations, remodeling, and decor. We deliver stunning transformations for every room, from kitchen and bath redesigns to dynamic living spaces, home gyms, and exterior entrances… we cover it all.

Our expert designers work closely with you in a relaxed, one-on-one environment, getting to know your personal style and design vision. Whether you’re looking for a quick refresh with new window treatments or a comprehensive home renovation, we bring your ideas to life. We seamlessly blend timeless elegance with modern functionality to create interiors that are as beautiful as they are livable.

At Michael Felice Interiors, every detail matters to us, as we want to not only reflect your vision, but we also see every room is an opportunity to create something extraordinary. We bring comfort, style, and energy to your home with designs that reflect your personality and lifestyle.

Bringing Your Vision to Life with Customized Design Solutions

From home renovations to personalized living room designs, Michael Felice Interiors provides tailored solutions for every project. Whether you’re looking to update a single room or complete a full-scale remodel, our team of experienced designers and expert craftsmen are here to bring your vision to life.

Interior Design
Window Treatments
Bedroom With Blue Accents

Reimagining Spaces with Creative Interior Design

Interior design is more than just aesthetics, it’s about creating a space that reflects your lifestyle. At Michael Felice Interiors, we take a personalized approach to every home remodel and interior decorating project, ensuring every detail, from layout to finishes, is thoughtfully curated. Whether you’re redesigning a single room or embarking on a full home renovation, our expert team balances function, style, and character to bring your vision to life.

Traditional Style Couch in Wyckoff, NJ by Michael Felice Interiors

Furniture That Elevates Your Space

Furniture is the foundation of great interior design. At Michael Felice Interiors, we consider both function and aesthetics, often starting with furniture in a home remodel or interior decorating project. Whether selecting new pieces or revitalizing existing ones with new upholstery to transform antique couches and outdated chairs with fresh fabrics and colors. Every detail is carefully chosen to create a cohesive look, seamlessly blending with your existing architecture, home renovation, or full-scale interior design vision.


Stunning Window Treatments for Every Room

Window treatments are more than just décor, they also play a role in adding privacy, UV protection, and curb appeal. At Michael Felice Interiors, we design custom drapes, blinds, and roman shades tailored to your space, offering a level of quality big-box retailers can’t match. Whether for a home remodel or a simple upgrade, our expert-crafted solutions enhance both function and style, ensuring the perfect fit for your interior design vision.

Why Choose Us: Bergen County’s Award-Winning Interior Designers

At Michael Felice Interiors, we bring decades of award-winning expertise to every home remodel, interior design, and renovation project. We take a personalized approach, ensuring every detail reflects your style and vision. From kitchen design to bathroom renovation and custom furniture selections, our team delivers exceptional craftsmanship and seamless execution. We see your project through from concept to completion, managing all details of  installation. We create spaces that are both beautiful and functional—because your home or commercial space deserves the best.

Michael Felice Interiors

Visit Our Showroom in Wyckoff, NJ Today! Now Scheduling In-Home & Virtual Consultations.

318 Franklin Ave
Wyckoff, NJ 07481


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: By Appointment