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Custom Carpets & Area Rugs

Carpets and rugs will truly never go out of style and are vital for any home or office. As such, Michael Felice Interiors offers professional, high-end custom area rugs and carpets to compliment your interior design. Although we are located in Bergen County, we also can provide our services to the entire tri-state area (NYC, NJ, PA, + CT). We provide a wide range of styles, fabrics, colors, sizes, textures, and more for your new rug or carpet. One of the best ways a homeowner can brighten a home is through a strategically-placed area rug or carpet. They add warmth, comfort, and color to rooms that might feel disjointed. Whether for a living room or bedroom, an area rug is an excellent way to spruce things up and enliven a stale-looking living space. Our showroom in Wyckoff, NJ hosts a near-endless supply of fabrics, colors, and patterns, and we can always order additional styles. When you’re ready, contact us or visit our showroom to discuss your needs and dreams of your new rug.

Carpets & Area Rugs in Wyckoff, NJ by Michael Felice Interiors

Invest in a Rug or Carpet for a Better-Looking Home

Area rugs and carpets also provide homeowners with many ways to customize their house and put their visual stamp on its various rooms. Do you have artwork in your living room with reds and blues? A patterned, blue area rug might draw attention to both the carpet and the painting. Home décor is important, and we believe everyone deserves a house that functions and looks its best. We have years of experience providing expert advice and only work with the most reputable brands and suppliers. Plus, if it’s time to sell your home, a beautiful rug or carpet stands out, creating an alluring look that will dazzle prospective buyers and adding to your curb appeal.

The Benefits of Purchasing a Brand-New Area Rug

Carpets and area rugs are a great way to provide a host of benefits to homeowners. We recommend them even in houses with beautiful hardwood flooring. They will break up the monotony and provide an easily-cleaned surface in a high-traffic area. Other benefits of selecting an area rug or carpet include:

Noise Reduction

Older hardwood floors can make quite a bit of noise. You might not mind the squeaking sounds and consider them rustic. Still, there's a way to combine hardwood's charms with an area rug's functionality. Rugs and carpets naturally decrease the noise walking makes in your house or apartment. If the noise has become a factor, investing in one or several area rugs might help.


Walking on soft surfaces can be more comfortable than traversing hardwoods. Placing a rug in a high-traffic area will make walking easier on the joints and provide a more comfortable living experience. More importantly, rugs and carpets are more flexible than hard surfaces. That means they will absorb impacts more.


If your house gets cold in the winter, an area rug might help mitigate some of the frostiness you feel as you walk throughout your home. Multiple rugs in high-traffic areas – such as the dining and living rooms – will provide more warmth and create a cozier living environment.


It is much easier to vacuum a carpet or rug than to sweep a hardwood floor. Allergies are one of the best reasons to invest in carpet or a few area rugs. They will trap some pollen and irritants, making it easier to eradicate them with a vacuum cleaner. As far as functional reasons for buying area rugs go, this is one of the best ones.

Let’s Get Started Today!

At Michael Felice Interiors, we’re dedicated to creating beautiful designs that tie your room together. No matter what type or style of carpet you would love in your home, we will make that dream a reality. Our expertise, experience, and creativity are our best assets. We deliver them to our clients each and every day. Contact us today to get started. We’ll go over your design ideas and discuss how we can create the perfect rug that matches your home’s motif.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Home

Ready to transform your home? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or redesigning your entire space, our team is here to bring your vision to life with style and expertise.