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Personalized Furniture Selection with Michael Felice Interiors

Furniture plays an important role in the overall style, appearance, and comfort of your home. All the furniture pieces in a room should work together to create a cohesive look and feel. Sometimes it can be can be hard to know how to pair pieces that look right together. Luckily, the design team at Michael Felice Interiors is here to help. We can help you find the perfect home furniture for your New Jersey, NYC, or Connecticut residence. Whether you are looking for a single piece to tie your room together, want to give a room a complete new look, or re-envision your whole house, we are here to guide you. We’d love to hear about your next project! Reach out to us today to discuss your vision, explore design possibilities, and take the next step toward bringing your space to life.

High-Quality Furniture in Wyckoff, NJ by Michael Felice Interiors

Why High-Quality Furniture Matters in Your Home

When it comes to furniture, some manufacturers force you to choose between style and comfort. You shouldn’t have to forfeit one for the other. Investing in high quality pieces with Michael Felice Interiors, means you can have it all. We source and custom-build furniture that is constructed with premium materials and superior craftsmanship to give you the best of both worlds, ensuring both comfort and style. Custom upholstery is also a great option, to make every piece uniquely yours. With all of these reasons, it’s clear that investing in quality pieces is important to the style, comfort, and longevity of your design. Our team can help you find just the right pieces to suit all your needs for stunning results.

Premium Furniture Styles

When thinking about new furniture for your home or office, there are many things to consider. You want the design of your room to reflect your individual style and still meet the needs of your family or company. Thus, with the right guidance from Michael Felice Interiors, you’re sure to find the right options for your unique scenario. Our interior design team stays up-to-date with latest furniture trends, and can help you put together a cohesive, stylish, and high-end look for your space. If you’re thinking about updating your space, you should start thinking about what furniture styles appeal most to you. Some of the most popular styles include:


Traditional furniture offers a more classic appearance with a focus on old-world craftsmanship. It often features intricately carved wood details that create a more formal appearance.


Modern furniture is more simple, with clean lines, smooth surfaces, and neutral colors to convey a minimalist attitude. You’ll see less ornate details and more straightforward designs with modern furniture.


Contemporary furniture changes with the time, borrowing inspiration from pieces popular at the moment. With that in mind, contemporary furniture today has many modern influences, focusing on clean lines and comfort without hassle.


Retro furniture gathers inspiration from furniture of decades past. Often this means borrowing elements from furniture of the 1950s, 1960s, or 1970s. This style can bring a fun a unique feel to any room.

Mid-Century Modern

Mid-century modern is perhaps one of the most-talked about furniture styles. Its popularity has exponentially grown in recent years, due to its emphasis on simplicity and functionality. Pieces of this style feature clean lines and soft, organic curves with minimal ornamentation.

Furniture Materials

Additionally, another factor to consider when choosing new furniture for your tri-state home or office is the material. Our team in Wyckoff, NJ can help you find the perfect balance between all your furniture pieces, as you want them to be cohesive, but also want variety. We’ll help you mix and match pieces to create the perfect furniture design for your room. Some materials you’ll want to consider when thinking about new furniture pieces include:


Wood is one of the most popular materials used in the construction of furniture. It’s versatility and strength make it an excellent option to build numerous furniture pieces. Not to mention the natural grains look beautiful.


MDF is a cost-effective alternative to wood, keeping the same beauty but without the weight and higher price tag. It’s used in many modern furniture pieces today.


Both faux and genuine leather are a popular choice for living room furniture, as the surface is soft and lends a classic style to interiors.


Fabric is an excellent choice for ultimate comfort, not to mention, the possibilities are endless. There are hundreds of colors, patterns, and textures of fabrics to choose from when picking out furniture.


Steel and other metals are used most often in modern pieces. Few furniture pieces are made entirely of steel, but pieces that feature metal elements throughout create a polished, modern vibe.


Glass is used most often in the construction of tabletops and gives furniture pieces a high-end appearance. Consider adding a glass tabletop or desk to your space.

Transform Your Space with Beautiful, Custom Furniture

Updating the furniture in any space can completely transform it, making it look more stylish, high-end, and comfortable. Michael Felice Interiors can help you refresh your home with our advanced furniture solutions. We’ll help you find furniture from the finest manufacturers, focusing on building a space that matches your personality and unique needs. We have a selection of furniture in multiple styles, so no matter your preference, we can find something you’ll love. Our team can take care of all the details, including furniture, window treatments, lighting, rugs, and more. If you’re ready to update your space, please feel free to reach out to us to schedule a design appointment.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Home

Ready to transform your home? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or redesigning your entire space, our team is here to bring your vision to life with style and expertise.