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How Custom Interior Design Enhances Your Home

Everyone is entitled to live in their dream home with décor reflective of their unique style. A well-designed home is more than just beautiful… it’s a place of comfort, functionality, and self-expression. At Michael Felice Interiors, our residential interior design brings together style and practicality, transforming everyday spaces into personalized retreats. We collaborate with you to craft interiors that suit your lifestyle and reflect your unique taste. Our team welcomes the opportunity to put our expertise to work and customize your home with your vision as the goal. Please reach out to us and request an in-home or virtual consultation with our talented interior designers.

Why Choose Us? We Listen to Our Clients.

Residential Interior Design Services in Wyckoff, NJ

  • Personalization & Trends – Whether you prefer a rustic, bohemian, art deco, minimalist, or industrial style, our interior designers are well-versed in many popular trends. You name it, we know it, and we’re not afraid to incorporate multiple styles to create something just for you. We don’t have a signature style that we apply to every project. We leave the choices up to you!
  • Choice of Materials & Finishes – Material textures and finishes help tie together a project and give it that cohesive look and feel you desire. From furniture upholstery to carpets, area rugs, and window treatments, there’s no limit as to the possibilities for your home’s makeover.
  • Budget-Friendly Interior Design – No matter the size of your redecorating budget, you won’t have to compromise quality when you work with us. We’ll consider the size of your room or home when quoting you for our budget-friendly interior design services.
  • Hassle-Free Execution – We believe the interior design process should be fun and rewarding for all involved. Our collaborative approach ensures the hassle-free execution of every project. Whether you have tons of ideas or you’ve reached an impasse, let our team help. We can bring exceptional value and beauty to any home.
  • On-Time Completion – You won’t ever have to worry about your project being behind schedule. We pride ourselves on keeping everything running smoothly for on-time and on-budget completion. Whether you’re redecorating a single room or investing in our full home design services, you’re in capable hands with Michael Felice Interiors.

Our Residential Interior Design Services

We offer a full suite of residential interior design services, helping you enhance every corner of your home. Our expertise spans across various rooms and design elements, ensuring a cohesive, elegant look throughout your space.

  • Living Rooms: Comfortable, stylish, and inviting spaces for relaxing and entertaining.
  • Dining Rooms: Elegant dining areas designed for memorable gatherings.
  • Kitchens & Baths: Functional, modern, and beautiful designs that simplify daily routines.
  • Entrance Foyers: Welcoming entryways that create a lasting first impression.
  • Home Gyms: Personalized workout spaces to support your fitness goals.

Schedule Your Residential Design Consultation Today

Ready to elevate your home’s interior? Contact Michael Felice Interiors to schedule a complimentary consultation. Our team will work closely with you to create spaces that are as functional as they are beautiful. Let us help you turn your vision into a reality with our expert residential interior design services.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Home

Ready to transform your home? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or redesigning your entire space, our team is here to bring your vision to life with style and expertise.