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Michael Felice Interiors Gives Your Old Furniture New Life

Furniture plays a vital role in your home. It’s used day in and day out to provide comfort for your family, but it’s also important that your furniture looks great, too. Unfortunately, daily use of furniture can eventually wear it out. Even though it may still be comfortable, its appearance leaves something to be desired. When this occurs, you may think your only option is to throw it out and invest in new furniture. But Michael Felice Interiors has a better option for you. We provide reupholstery and upholstery design services in Wyckoff, NJ, which allow you to give old furniture new life, and also customize any other upholstered pieces in your home. We’ll remove the tattered fabric from your furniture and replace it with a new option of your choice. Contact us today to learn more about this service.

Traditional Style Couch in Wyckoff, NJ by Michael Felice Interiors

Revive Your Favorite Furniture with Custom Upholstery

Do you have a favorite furniture piece that is in desperate need of repair? Have you found an antique piece that you want to modernize? With our furniture upholstery services, you can reimagine any piece of furniture. You’d be surprised at the difference some new fabric can make, especially when the project is completed by expert upholsterers. Our upholstery department can re-craft your favorite piece of furniture and make it as good as new. We’ll replace the padding, springs, webbing, and covers. The best part is, you’ll have the chance to make the piece entirely your own, as we have hundreds of fabric options to choose from. Whether you like classic neutral tones, or want to try a bright and daring print, we have an option to suit your style.

Our Reupholstery Process

The process of reupholstering can be quite intricate, which is why it’s important to hire a qualified and experienced individual. Reupholstering your furniture will essentially replace all the major components of the piece besides the frame, which will allow you to revive worn out furniture or update pieces that have gone out of style. Because all furniture pieces are constructed differently, the upholstery process will look slightly different depending on the piece. However, reupholstering will always follow these same basic steps:

Stripping & Frame Inspection

Once you’ve chosen your new fabric option, our team will get to work on the reupholstery of your furniture. We’ll start by stripping all the layers of old upholstery until the frame is revealed. Next, we’ll inspect the frame for any defects or damage, so we can repair it if needed.


The webbing provides the support for the seat portion of the furniture. All the additional layers of upholstery will sit atop the webbing. If the webbing of your piece is still intact, we can leave it as is. However, we usually replace it to create a sturdy foundation for the rest of the seat.


Springs add comfort and shape to furniture pieces, making them an important piece of the puzzle. We will replace any worn out or damaged springs, preparing it for years more use at your home.


After the springs, comes the stuffing and padding, which create the soft plush surfaces we love about cozy furniture pieces. While the seat will have the most padding, we must also add some to the arms, back, and other areas.

Top Cover

Finally, the top cover of the furniture piece is added. This is the fabric or leather cover that will be the only portion of the new upholstery you see from the outside. It’s placed atop the padding and securing with tacks, staples or studs.

Types of Furniture We Can Reupholster

Essentially any piece of furniture with fabric or a cushion can be updated through our upholstery process. Our expert upholsterers have experience transforming countless pieces for individuals in the Wyckoff, NJ, area. In addition, we have interior design experience, which means we can help you choose the appropriate color or pattern of fabric to match the décor of your room. Whether you have a single piece you need to update or a complete set of matching pieces, our team is here to get the job done right. Some of the pieces we can reupholster include:

Dining Room Chairs
Sofas & Chair Cushions
Spring & Frame Repairs
Custom Slipcovers
reupholstered modern gray sofa

Discover Our Comprehensive Upholstery Services

Rather than throwing out your worn out or out of style furniture pieces, wouldn’t it be great if you could find a way to update them? Sadly, we live in a society where we are quick to toss out items. But the truth is, furniture often has many more years of use if you simply give it the attention and care it needs. Even if the fabric is tearing, the padding is sagging, or the print is not your taste, the frame underneath is often sturdy. We can breathe new life into your furniture pieces with our reupholstery services. We not only have a fantastic team of upholsterers, but also a team of talented designers. This means you’ll have assistance choosing the right top cover for your piece based on your style and that upholstery will be completed with expert precision.

Contact Us to Bring Your Furniture Back To Life

If you are ready to reimagine that dusty antique furniture piece you found at a thrift store or to liven up your sagging couch, now is the time to get in touch with Michael Felice Interiors. We have a dedicated team that wants to help you improve your interior spaces. We know firsthand that a single piece of furniture can make or break the appearance of your room. Let us help you enhance your living space with updated upholstery. It’s an excellent cost-effective alternative to buying all new furniture. Reach out to us today for more information.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Home

Ready to transform your home? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or redesigning your entire space, our team is here to bring your vision to life with style and expertise.