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Custom Blinds and Shutters for Every Room

No home makeover is complete without selecting window treatments that give you the right style and fit in your space. Although you have many options to choose from, including drapery and valances, window shutters and blinds make timeless choices to complement any home’s décor. Blinds and shutters do more than cover your windows. They enhance your home’s interior design, provide light control, and add privacy. At Michael Felice Interiors, we specialize in custom blinds and shutters for homes in Bergen County, New Jersey, as well as New York City and Connecticut.

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Why Should You Invest in New Blinds & Shutters?

At Michael Felice Interiors, we can customize everything about your window treatments, including their color, style, material, and texture. Our experienced interior designers work with your home’s aesthetics to create complementary window coverings you’ll love. Aside from their superior quality workmanship and appearance, custom window treatments offer homeowners many other benefits, including:

  • Increased Privacy – Without window coverings, anyone could peer into your home at any time. This isn’t just a privacy issue. It’s a security issue as well. You don’t have to settle for sheer curtains when selecting window treatments for your home. Our experts would be happy to show you how layering your window coverings can help you adjust for light control and privacy, depending on the time of day.
  • UV Protection – One of the biggest advantages of having window coverings is they offer UV protection for your flooring, furniture, artwork, and other belongings. It’s no secret the sun’s UV rays fade furniture upholstery, paint colors, and even hardwood floors and carpets over time. However, you’ll enjoy peace of mind knowing your home’s furnishings are protected when you take the time to invest in new window treatments designed for maximum UV protection.
  • Light Control – Avoid glares from sunlight streaming in through your windows when you select window covering materials recommended for better light control. Horizontal and vertical blinds offer superior light control for most homeowners’ needs. However, we may also suggest light-filtering sheer curtains or drapes or even blackout shades for the bedroom if you want zero light filtering in on you while you’re sleeping.
  • Reduced Energy Bills – Any homeowner interested in making their home more energy-efficient to lower their energy bills should consider custom window treatments. Keeping your blinds or shutters closed during the winter can help you retain warmth while keeping them closed during the summer can help prevent heat from streaming in with the sunlight. Our custom window coverings make natural insulators, and you won’t be sorry you chose them!

Why Choose Blinds & Shutters from Michael Felice Interiors?

Looking for high-quality blinds and shutters near you? Michael Felice Interiors specializes in custom window treatments to ensure a perfect fit for every customer and every home, every time. You could visit your nearest big-box retailer for blinds or shutters, but you’ll likely end up with ill-fitting window coverings that look dull or drab once you get them home. You’d be much better off letting our skilled team design, create, and install custom blinds and shutters made of the highest quality materials. We can also help you find the perfect accessories and hardware to complete the look. Check out our portfolio for visual inspiration on how your new window treatments will tie any room together. From natural woods and sheer fabrics to unique textures and colors, we can help you find whatever blinds or shutters you’ve been searching for at some of the best prices in New Jersey.

Set Up a Consultation for Custom Blinds and Shutters Today

Michael Felice Interiors is a full-service interior design firm based in Wyckoff, NJ. We have many years of expertise creating custom blinds and shutters for home and business owners across the Garden State. To learn more about our design services, we urge you to reach out and schedule a consultation. We offer both in-home and virtual appointments, not to mention you may also stop by our showroom. We’re open from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday and Saturdays by appointment. Let us help you create your signature style with blinds and shutters to make you the envy of the neighborhood!

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Home

Ready to transform your home? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or redesigning your entire space, our team is here to bring your vision to life with style and expertise.