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Elevate Your Space with Custom Draperies & Valances

Our custom draperies and valences serve as the perfect complement to any room, blending style with practical benefits. Michael Felice Interiors specializes in crafting these custom window and door treatments, tailored to your home or office in Wyckoff, NJ and the greater New Jersey area. Our experienced team works with you to select fabrics, colors, and designs that harmonize with your existing décor or the style you wish to see in your dream home. From a single room update to outfitting your entire house, we ensure the right choices are made for your space, and we handle the precise installation. Reach out to us to explore our wide range of draperies and valances, designed to meet your unique needs.

Custom Draperies & Valances in Wyckoff, NJ

Add Elegance & Beauty with Custom Draperies & Valances

Draperies and valances play a bigger role in your home’s design than they often get credit for. The right set of custom drapes or a well-crafted fabric valance can bring a room together, adding warmth and character that’s hard to achieve with other décor alone. Our team considers your existing style and presents options that complement your space seamlessly. From classic pinch pleats to refined top treatments, we offer a range of soft window coverings tailored to your needs. Whether you’re looking to enhance your décor, control natural light, or create privacy, we’ll help you find the ideal solution. Let’s design something that fits your home perfectly.

Window Treatments for Homes & Offices in Wyckoff, NJ

More Window Furnishings for Homes & Offices

Both homes and businesses benefit from stylish and functional window coverings. Without the right drapes or shades, interior spaces can quickly become overheated from direct sunlight. Beyond temperature control, they also serve as a key design element, bringing a refined and cohesive look to any room. We offer a wide range of high-quality fabrics in various colors and textures, making it easy to find the perfect fit. For offices and commercial spaces, we can create a sleek, professional appearance, while homeowners can choose options that add warmth and personality. No matter your style, we’re here to design and craft custom drapes or valances that complement your space beautifully.

The Benefits of Custom Draperies

With so many ready-made drapes available at big-box stores, you might wonder if custom options are worth the investment. While off-the-shelf curtains may seem convenient, they often lack the perfect fit, quality craftsmanship, and unique style that custom draperies provide. When you choose custom window treatments, you’re getting expertly designed and professionally installed pieces that enhance both the look and function of your space. Before settling for store-bought options, consider the many benefits of investing in custom draperies:


While stores offer plenty of drapery options, finding the perfect style, fabric, and fit can be a challenge. Off-the-shelf drapes often fall short in quality and don’t always hang properly, leaving your space looking unfinished. With our custom draperies, you get exactly what you need and they are tailored to your space, style, and preferences… without the hassle of settling for something that’s just “close enough.

Invest in Longevity

Off-the-shelf drapes may seem like a budget-friendly choice, but they often lack durability due to lower-quality materials, leading to them causing more issues than solutions. Custom-made drapes, crafted from our premium fabrics, not only look better but also last significantly longer. In fact, they often last twice as long as mass-produced options. While the upfront cost may be higher, investing in custom draperies means fewer replacements over time, saving you money in the long run.

Unique Designs, Limitless Options

With custom draperies, you have a wider range of styles, fabrics, and finishes to choose from, ensuring a perfect complement to your existing décor. Whether you prefer a sleek, modern look or a more traditional, luxurious feel, custom options allow you to create a cohesive and polished space. Plus, you can incorporate unique details like trims, pleats, or patterns that truly reflect your personal style.

Precision Fits

No two windows are exactly alike, as there’s no such thing as a “standard” window. Even if two windows are the same size, their placement in your home can affect how they look. Custom draperies ensure a perfect fit, no matter the shape or size of your windows. We tailor each piece to suit your space, providing a seamless and polished appearance.

Unique Accessories

Custom draperies offer more than just the perfect fabric – they can be complemented with exclusive hardware that enhances the overall look. Our design team works with you to select accessories that perfectly match your drapes, creating a cohesive and unique design that completes the entire space

Elegant & Practical Valances

Valances are the perfect solution for spaces where traditional drapes or curtains may not be suitable, such as kitchens or bathrooms. Unlike fabric-heavy options, valances offer a refined touch without overwhelming the space, making them ideal for areas where excess fabric might absorb moisture or dirt. These window coverings not only add softness but also complement other window treatments like blinds, shades, or shutters. Our team will guide you in selecting the best fabric for your valances, and we can match them with the drapes in other rooms for a cohesive design throughout your home. Choose from a wide variety of fabrics, including jacquard, silk, cotton, satin, and more. Let us help you find the perfect finishing touch for your New Jersey home or business.

Get Your Window Styling Started Today!

Ready to transform your space with beautiful, custom window treatments? Our expert team is here to help you create a tailored look that reflects your style and enhances the ambiance of your home or office. With endless fabric choices and design options, we’ll work with you to craft window coverings that are both functional and stunning. Let’s bring your vision to life! Schedule a free consultation today, and we’ll discuss your needs, present fabric samples, and take measurements. Don’t wait, contact us now and get one step closer to the perfect windows in your space.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Home

Ready to transform your home? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or redesigning your entire space, our team is here to bring your vision to life with style and expertise.