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Roman Window Shades by Michael Felice Interiors

If you’re considering roman shades for your home in the Wyckoff, NJ area, Michael Felice Interiors has custom solutions to match any décor. We are interior design specialists who understand the importance of every last detail in a room, right down to the blinds. Roman shades are often one of the most popular windows covering choices because of their ease of hanging, functionality, and the various customizable options available. Additionally, roman shades bring a touch of timeless elegance to any room. At Michael Felice Interiors, we create custom roman shades designed to enhance your home’s interior design while providing functional benefits like light control and privacy. Inspired by classic Italian craftsmanship, these shades blend old-world charm with modern convenience to suit any home style.

Why Choose Roman Shades for Your Home?

roman shades in kitchen

When looking at options for window treatments, homeowners are confronted with many choices. Roman shades have been a popular window treatment for centuries, dating back to ancient Rome when they were first used to block dust and sun from the Colosseum. Today, they remain a versatile and stylish choice for modern homes. Here’s why homeowners love roman shades:

  • Luxurious Appearance: From simple cordless designs to intricately patterned motorized options, our custom roman shades exude sophistication.
  • Timeless Look:  Roman shades never go out of style. Their clean lines and tailored folds suit any room, whether you prefer a contemporary, traditional, or eclectic aesthetic
  • Customizable Options: Choose from a wide variety of fabrics, colors, and patterns. Whether you want soft light filtering or complete blackout, we’ll help you find the perfect fit.
  • Ease of Use: Built with high-quality materials, our shades are designed for smooth, effortless operation.
  • Color and Pattern Choices: Your home is unique to you, and your roman shades should be as well. There are countless color and pattern combinations available. If that sounds overwhelming, you have our interior design experts to consult with and help you decide on the perfect choice.
Room With Tan Drapery in Wyckoff, NJ by Michael Felice Interiors

Customize Features on Your Roman Shades

Our premium roman shades come with various features to choose from. These options make operation simple while providing design choices that fall within your taste of style.

  • Cordless Lift: As the name suggests, cordless lift roman shades operate without a cord for a sleek look without any loose hanging parts. Operation is easy by simply raising and lowering with your fingers.
  • Continuous Cord Loop Controls: For heavier, larger roman shades, a continuous cord loop is an excellent option while still keeping the cord somewhat discreet and out of view. Instead of a hanging cord, the continuous loop cord is attached to the window frame or wall.
  • Hobbled Fold: In addition to the flat front look, Roman Shades are available with a hobbled fold that retains a slightly bunched appearance when down for a more traditional style.
  • Motorized Lift: For the ultimate in convenience, motorized lift installation allows you to open and close shades with the push of a button.

Inspired by Italian Craftsmanship

Roman shades are a functional, reliable, and elegant window covering option with the versatility to match any home’s style. Michael Felice Interiors offers tailor-made roman shades in Wyckoff, NJ that are fully customizable to our client’s specifications. Many of our designs draw inspiration from Italy’s rich history of art, architecture, and craftsmanship. At Michael Felice Interiors, we infuse this classic influence into each project, combining traditional elements with modern materials to create shades that enhance both the beauty and comfort of your home.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Home

Ready to transform your home? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or redesigning your entire space, our team is here to bring your vision to life with style and expertise.