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Complete Home Renovations for a Fresh Living Space

At Michael Felice Interiors, we focus on full home renovations that enhance the functionality, style, and comfort of every room. Whether you’re updating a single room or undertaking a comprehensive renovation, our expert team is committed to bringing your vision to life with attention to detail and quality craftsmanship. From modernizing kitchens and bathrooms to creating open-concept living spaces, we ensure each design choice aligns with your lifestyle and taste. Let us help you transform your home into a space you’ll love to live in.

traditional living room

The Benefits of Home Renovations for New and Existing Homeowners

Renovating your home can breathe new life into familiar spaces, or customize a new  one, and increase the value of your home. Michael Felice Interiors, located in Wyckoff, NJ, offers comprehensive architectural design and renovation services to help homeowners personalize their living spaces with expert craftsmanship and thoughtful design.

white and tan living room with coral accents

Our Home Renovation Process

Our renovation process starts with understanding your goals and vision. We collaborate with our trusted construction partners to manage the project from concept to completion, ensuring a smooth experience with high-quality results. From minor upgrades to full-scale remodels, we’re here to guide you through each step.

Explore Our Full Range of Renovation Solutions

Our team works closely with you to ensure every aspect of your home renovation aligns with your goals and vision. Whether you’re looking to modernize an outdated space, optimize functionality, or add additional living areas, we offer tailored solutions to bring your ideas to life. From start to finish, we handle everything from design to execution, ensuring a seamless experience throughout the renovation process. We provide a wide array of renovation services to meet your needs, including:


  • Kitchen Renovations: Modern layouts, upgraded appliances, and stylish finishes.
  • Bathroom Remodels: Spa-inspired designs with enhanced functionality.
  • Living Room Transformations: Open-concept layouts and custom finishes.
  • Basement Finishing: Turn unused spaces into functional, inviting rooms.
  • Entrance Foyer Updates: Make a striking first impression with a refreshed entryway.
  • Whole-Home Renovations: Coordinate updates across multiple spaces for a cohesive design.

Why Choose Michael Felice Interiors for Your Renovation Project?

Choosing the right team for your home renovation project is crucial. Michael Felice Interiors brings years of experience in interior design and partners with time tested,  skilled construction professionals to deliver seamless, high-quality renovations. Our commitment to communication and craftsmanship ensures results you’ll love.

If you’re planning a home renovation, contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Our expert team is ready to help you reimagine your living spaces with innovative designs and exceptional craftsmanship.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Home

Ready to transform your home? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or redesigning your entire space, our team is here to bring your vision to life with style and expertise.