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Custom Living & Dining Room Designs for Your Home

Your living and dining rooms are some of the most important rooms in your home. They are where life happens; from relaxing nights in to hosting family dinners and special celebrations. At Michael Felice Interiors, we create thoughtful, personalized designs that balance comfort with style, ensuring these important spaces feel inviting, functional, and perfectly tailored to you. Whether you need a cozy living room layout, custom window treatments, or a dining room that’s ready to impress guests, our team is here to help you bring it all together with ease.

Living Room Portfolio in Wyckoff, NJ by Michael Felice Interiors

Create a Living Room That Reflects Your Style

Your living room is truly the heart of your home. It’s a place to unwind, entertain, and spend time with the people who matter most. At Michael Felice Interiors, we design living rooms that strike the perfect balance between style and comfort, creating a space that feels inviting while reflecting your personal taste. Whether you’re starting fresh or refreshing your current layout, our team will guide you through every detail – from selecting furniture and fabrics to adding custom window treatments and accent pieces that bring the whole room together.


dining room with crystal chandelier

Custom Living & Dining Room Designs Made for Gathering

The dining room is more than just a place to eat, it’s where friends and family come together to share meals, celebrate milestones, and make lasting memories. At Michael Felice Interiors, we design dining and living spaces that are as functional as they are beautiful, with layouts, furnishings, and details that fit your lifestyle. From selecting the perfect table and seating to choosing fabrics and finishes that tie the room together, we’ll help you create a dining area that feels both comfortable and effortlessly polished.

How We Design Your Perfect Living Room

Our design process begins with understanding your vision. We consider your home’s layout, lifestyle needs, and aesthetic preferences to create a space that’s truly yours. Whether you want a cozy, traditional feel or a sleek, modern look, our team will deliver a living room that exceeds your expectations.

  • Layout Planning: Optimizing the room’s flow for better use and comfort.
  • Color Schemes: Harmonious color palettes to set the right mood.
  • Furniture Selection: Comfortable and stylish pieces tailored to your layout.
  • Lighting Design: Strategic lighting to create ambiance and functionality.
  • Window Treatments: Custom blinds, shutters, and drapery for privacy and style.

Let’s Create a Room You’ll Fall in Love With

Ready to elevate your living room? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule your consultation. Our design experts are here to help you create a living room that fits your lifestyle and showcases your unique style.

How We Create Stunning Dining Room Interiors

Our design process starts with understanding your needs and preferences. We collaborate with you to select furnishings, lighting, and decor that complement your home’s style and enhance the dining experience.


  • Dining Piece Selection: Elegant tables, chairs, and sideboards to fit your space.
  • Lighting Solutions: Chandeliers, pendant lights, and sconces to create the right ambiance.
  • Color and Material Coordination: Palettes that set the perfect mood for any occasion.
  • Window Coverings: Custom blinds, shades, and drapery for style and privacy.
  • Layout Optimization: Arranging furniture to promote conversation and comfort.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Home

Ready to transform your home? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or redesigning your entire space, our team is here to bring your vision to life with style and expertise.