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Beautiful Interior Design in Wyckoff

Over the years, you’ve selected artwork, floor coverings, and furniture that reflected your signature style, making your home truly unique. However, your window coverings may have been overlooked during the design process. No room is complete without the perfect window treatments because their tremendous versatility can transform any space and tie a room together. Whether you’re drawn to sheer fabrics, natural woods, or unique textures, you can find exactly what you’re looking for at Michael Felice Interiors. Our full-service interior design firm has been creating custom blinds, shades, and shutters for New Jersey residents for many years, and we’re eager to help you achieve your style goals.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Home

Ready to transform your home? Contact Michael Felice Interiors today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or redesigning your entire space, our team is here to bring your vision to life with style and expertise.